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ADANEC Editor is a visual object-oriented programming environment that enables the creation of scenarios for human-machine interaction of varying degrees of complexity and for different purposes, with the ability to integrate third-party blocks.

Programmable human-machine interaction scenarios created in ADANEC Editor are combined into a structured graph with nodes in the form of object units: blocks and customizable conditions that execute operations according to a given algorithm based on data from related blocks or groups of blocks.

A human-machine interaction scenario must contain, at a minimum, a scenario launch point, a block containing information or a practical task, and a condition for completing the interaction (pressing a button/timer, performing an action, meeting a condition, etc.).

Fields of use

Adaptive non-linear educational content. Adaptive Information Potential (AIP) units

Scenarios are primarily intended for use in adaptive non-linear educational content, potentially leveraging the user’s environment, including:

  • Linear and non-linear educational content (courses, lessons, etc.)
  • Scenarios for assessing the actions and improving the proficiency of employees in the workplace (Qualification Framework), using data from the employee’s environment (IoT components, equipment controllers, sensors, transducers, video cameras, etc.)
  • Business simulations provide a wide range of opportunities for users to gain and develop primary skills and competencies in company management, such as building strategies and carrying out tactical and operational tasks (i.e. everything that can be learned only by doing)
  • The virtual laboratory is a type of block that connects to full-fledged virtual laboratories. This enables experiments to be conducted without direct contact (or indeed any contact at all) with a real laboratory. In the former case (no direct contact), we remotely connect to a laboratory set-up that includes a real laboratory with software and hardware for managing the set-up and digitizing the data received. In the second case (no contact at all), all processes are simulated virtually.

ADANEC Editor is also the development environment for Adaptive Information Potential (AIP) units. These are pieces of information with a binary assessment system, used both as training content and as an element of an individual’s dynamic potential map.

Adaptive Information Potential

An information fragment containing a semantic core, presented in several contexts and multiple scenarios, and evaluated through a binary evaluation of the result of the possibility of application ("done" or "not done", "can" or "can't").
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AIP Qualification Framework

A set of tools and methods that allow you to build a system of binary evaluation of employee labor actions and personalized training for missing labor functions, taking into account the student's information perception profile.
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Human-machine interaction scenarios

With ADANEC Editor developers can create human-machine interaction scenarios ranging from web instructions to virtual assistants and bots, including:

  • Virtual assistants for public events: personal tour guides; administrators for conferences, meetings, or conference calls; or robots that help support other events
  • Scenarios for partial automation of sales (sales scripts) and customer service, allowing data to be collected on operator activity
  • Virtual instructions allowing for user interaction (questions, analysis of answers, etc.) or any other web content (sites, landing pages)
  • Chatbots for various purposes (bots for interaction between buyers and sellers, bots for regulating payments, information bots, etc.), creating adaptive dialogue trees using AI technologies (machine learning methods) and the ability to interact with third-party services and systems
  • Financial and technical bots for transactions and interactions with various trading platforms, enabling connections to be made to remote resource centers for calculations (data centers, GPU clusters, quantum servers, etc.)

AIP Human-Centered Automation

Balanced automation systems based on the methods and tools of the AIP Institute to maintain the skills of users in any conditions and extreme situations, and the development of human cognitive functions through continuous training.
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Business process automation scenarios

In ADANEC Editor, you can create scenarios for business process automation that can be integrated into various task setting and control systems (Atlassian, Microsoft, etc.), customer management systems (CRM), and resource planning systems (ERP).

Business process automation scenarios are used to assign tasks to the operator and monitor their execution in a professional context, and permit tasks to be broken down into scenarios using ADANEC Editor.

Scenarios for automation of control and management processes for robotic technology

In ADANEC Editor, you can create integrated scenarios for automating the control and management of robotic technology. These scenarios partially automate management processes through interaction with a programmable controller or through any other open interface, and also remotely monitor the performance of the technology. One particularly striking example is scenarios for delivery automation.

Scenario components

Visual blocks are blocks which are directly displayed in the user interface as content or interaction panels. They include:

  • Theoretical blocks – information blocks display information in various formats (text, tables, lists, etc.)
  • Structural blocks – basic templates for quick, convenient, and stylistically consistent allocation of the relevant structural elements
  • Practical blocks – blocks containing various types of practical task: filling out forms, selecting answer(s), selecting images, or interacting with a real object in a connected environment, etc.
  • Multimedia blocks – blocks providing the user with media materials for viewing
  • Rules blocks – using conditions in scenarios, you can set data processing algorithms for switching users between scenario branches, redirecting them to other scenarios, requesting data from services and exchanging data with services, and configuring other responses while using the scenario
  • Connection blocks – configurable interaction with the user’s environment (sensors, transducers, controllers) and integration with external systems

Currently, ADANEC Editor supports the following types of condition (more are always being added):

  • Number of attempts – the total number of attempts by the student before correct completion of the practical block/blocks.
  • Total score – the ability to set a condition based on the number of points scored by the student during the practical blocks. You can set either a specific score value or a range within which the rule is activated.
  • Total score in % – similar to the previous condition, but calculated as a percentage of the maximum possible score of Sources.
  • Number of correct/incorrect answers – here you can also set a specific value, or a range of values for correct or incorrect answers.
  • Time spent – the time spent by the student on the content of the Sources. Set as a range.
  • Cognitive signals – this condition is flexibly adjusted to the results of measuring the student’s cognitive signals. The platform constantly collects a variety of information about the student, including data from biosensors. For example, the system can detect if a student is feeling unwell and provide simpler material.
  • Custom conditions – you can set your own conditions using data from the Analytical System. For example, you could configure a rule to trigger depending on the weather in the student’s location, the speed of the student’s Internet connection, the user’s device, etc.

Content integration

When used in conjunction with third-party services, the ADANEC Integrator scenario integration system makes it possible to combine the heterogeneous functionality of connected devices and objects within a single multi-user working environment and quickly implement scenarios in software solutions that are already in use, without introducing radical changes.

ADANEC Editor Toolkit

Visual scenario structure editor

The visual scenario structure editor enables the sequencing of blocks and creation of adaptive conditions for transitions between scenarios based on customizable synchronous and asynchronous rules.

The visual non-liner content structure editor

Grouping blocks

The Group of Blocks tool makes it possible to group blocks and substructures into named groups.

A group of blocks can be used to set flexible conditions (rules) for transitions in a non-linear structure that are tied to specific sets of blocks.

A group of blocks can also be used to record that a user has completed certain blocks and to assign a specific tag (for example, “Skill”) when these blocks are complete.

To make working with groups of blocks easier, each group of blocks has its own color and search tags.

The contents of a Group of blocks in the Editor

Visual block editor

A block is an atomic unit with a set of logical programmable parameters.

The visual block and rule builder configures content display parameters and builds complex dependencies and reactions governing the scenario’s interaction with a person or environment (robotic vehicles, laboratory equipment, virtual environment objects, etc.).

Editing block parameters and the visual display of the block

Content Manager

Content Manager provides structured project storage and interaction with the user’s local or cloud storage.

Scenario validation

Scenario validation is a tool for verifying that a project works and is complete. Data flows, dependencies, and transitions are checked based on conditions and user activity, including for the purpose of assessing the completeness of scenarios.

Material conversion

Material conversion is a convenient tool for converting materials from/into the conventional formats for documents or educational content:

  • Export a project (content units) to pdf, docx, and other formats
  • Import PDF and MS Word files and convert them into a project
  • Convert a project to the xAPI and SCORM educational formats

Other Materials

ADANEC Integrator

Integrator organizes users’ workspaces on any type of device and even in virtual environments, combining multiple environment interfaces into a single workspace, or multi-space.
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ADANEC Exchange

Platforms for the exchange and distribution of content, developed scripts, integration blocks and other materials from content developers, programmers and partners.
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